Terms and Conditions of Delivery terms
of the private limited company Robin Telecom Development B.V.
Article 1: Definitions
- ROBIN: Robin Telecom Development B.V., a company specialising in telecommunications products, with its registered office and place of business at (1704 SL) in Heerhugowaard, Flemingstraat No 50.
- Consumer: a natural person who is not acting for purposes related to their commercial, business, trade, or professional activities and who purchases a product and/or service from ROBIN via the website, by telephone, or in any other way;
- Day: calendar
- Durable medium: any means that enables the consumer or ROBIN to store information addressed to him/her personally in a way that enables future consultation and unaltered reproduction of the stored information.
- Right of withdrawal: the opportunity for the consumer to withdraw from a remote contract within the cooling-off period.
- Model form: the model withdrawal form that the company makes available to a consumer to fill in when they wish to exercise their right of withdrawal.
- Remote contract: a contract in which, within the framework of a system organised by ROBIN for the remote sale of products and/or services, up to and including the conclusion of the contract, exclusive use is made of one or more means of remote communication.
- Technology for remote communication: means that can be used to conclude an agreement, without the consumer and ROBIN having come together in the same room at the same time.
- Website: the websites operated by ROBIN, being one or more online shops primarily intended for the sale of ROBIN (telecom) products and/or services, as well as associated
Article 2: Identity of the company
Robin Telecom Development B.V.
Registered and with offices in (1704 SL) Heerhugowaard at Flemingstraat no. 50.
Phone number: +31 72 534 64 26
E-mail address: customerservice@robin.nl
CoC number: 37148938
Article 3: Applicability
- These general terms and conditions shall apply to all contracts and any agreements arising from those contracts between ROBIN and consumers. These general terms and conditions also apply to the visit to and use by consumers of the website and all data and services accessible on the website.
- Deviations from these terms and conditions must be expressly agreed in writing. Deviations shall then only apply to the relevant offers and contracts to which they
- The conclusion of an contract implies the acceptance of these terms and conditions. In addition, by using the website (in any way whatsoever), the consumer accepts that they are bound by these terms and conditions. The consumer guarantees that when a third party makes use of the website on the consumer’s computer, this third party will also comply with these terms and conditions.
- If ROBIN does not always require strict compliance with these terms and conditions, this does not mean that these terms and conditions do not apply and/or that ROBIN loses the right to demand strict compliance with the terms and conditions in future cases, whether similar or not.
- The articles of these terms and conditions, or the parts thereof, which are unexpectedly unreasonably onerous for the consumer because they appear on the list as referred to in Article 6:236 of the Dutch Civil Code or are in conflict with the provisions of mandatory consumer law, shall be deemed inapplicable. In such cases, the other provisions shall continue to apply in full.
- If one or more provisions in these general terms and conditions are at any time wholly or partially voided or declared null and void, the agreement and these terms and conditions shall otherwise remain in force and the provision in question shall immediately be replaced by a provision that approximates the purport of the original as much as
- Furthermore, if and to the extent that any part or provision of these general terms and conditions is found to be in conflict with any mandatory provision of national or international law, those mandatory provisions shall prevail over the conflicting provisions of these general terms and conditions. The other provisions of the general terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.
Article 4: Offers, quotes, and conclusion of contracts
- Offers and/or quotes provided by ROBIN shall always be free of obligation and should only be regarded as an invitation to make an ROBIN shall therefore not be bound by them in any way whatsoever, unless expressly stated otherwise in writing. Acceptance of the invitation to make an offer by the consumer counts as an offer and only leads to the conclusion of a contract if the other provisions in this article have been met.
- Information, images, announcements provided in writing, verbally, by telephone, e-mail or otherwise and statements, et cetera, with regard to all offers and the main characteristics of the products have been displayed and/or communicated as accurately as possible. However, ROBIN does not guarantee that all offers and products fully comply with the information provided, et cetera. In principle, deviations cannot lead to compensation and/or dissolution.
- An offer made by a consumer shall be deemed to have been made if the consumer has entered their details on the appropriate screen on the website (digital order form), that form has been sent electronically and received by ROBIN, or if the consumer has indicated to ROBIN in another way (in writing, verbally, and/or by telephone) which product they wish to receive and this offer has been received by ROBIN.
- A contract shall be concluded at the moment that ROBIN has sent an order confirmation to the consumer to the (e-mail) address provided by the consumer, or if ROBIN has expressly begun to execute the contract.
- ROBIN shall be entitled to refuse an offer to enter into an contract, in whole or in part, or to suspend the execution of the current contract for its own reasons. This authority may be invoked, inter alia, due to the content, nature, scope, or form of such an offer, as well as due to technical objections, refusal of (advance) payment, or a conflict of interest between the request and ROBIN’s interests.
- All quotes provided by ROBIN concerning types, formats, dimensions, numbers, weights, rates, and prices are provided with the greatest possible care, without, however, any guarantee being made by or on behalf of ROBIN that no deviations can or will occur. In the unlikely event that they do occur, they will not be binding for ROBIN under any
- Subject to the express permission of ROBIN and subject to a case as referred to in article 7 paragraph 3, or a legally valid appeal to the right of withdrawal as referred to in article 8 of these general terms and conditions, the consumer shall not be entitled to cancel or amend a contract that has already been concluded.
- The parties expressly agree that a valid contract can also be entered into using electronic forms of communication. The absence of a signature does not affect the binding force of the offer and its acceptance.
- ROBIN reserves the right not to provide the agreed-upon service if, after the conclusion of the contract, it turns out that the products are not available, even though a proper transaction has already been carried out. In such a case, the consumer shall be informed immediately. Any compensation already paid by the consumer will be returned immediately. Further claims by the consumer against ROBIN are excluded.
- If the consumer is more than one natural person, they are all jointly and severally liable for the fulfilment of the contract. If the contract is concluded on behalf of the consumer by a third party, this third party guarantees that the consumer has accepted these terms and conditions, failing which the third party is bound by these conditions as though they themselves were the consumer.
- ROBIN shall be entitled to engage third parties for the execution of the
- ROBIN shall be entitled and authorised to transfer rights and obligations arising from the contract to a third party, in particular in the context of a transfer of (part of) the company it
- The consumer cannot make claims based on a contract if, before or during the execution of the contract, it turns out that the information and data provided by the consumer is not correct or is incomplete. ROBIN then reserves the right not to execute or continue to execute a contract. In that case, ROBIN shall never be obliged to pay any compensation for damages suffered by the consumer, without prejudice to ROBIN’s right and ability to claim compensation for damages from the consumer or to still execute the contract at a higher price than agreed upon, to which payment the consumer shall then be obliged.
- If, during the execution of the contract, ROBIN deems it necessary to change and/or supplement the work to be carried out for the proper execution of the contract, ROBIN shall inform the consumer of this, after which the contract may or may not be changed in whole or in part. ROBIN can never be obliged to pay any compensation for damages to the consumer as a result of such a change.
Article 5: Prices
- As far as possible, ROBIN shall state the prices and/or amounts, including any VAT However, prices are exclusive of other government levies, increases, and any statutory contributions.
- Special offers are only valid for the period of validity indicated in the
- The consumer shall owe the price that ROBIN displays on the website or otherwise (e.g. in writing) with the relevant offers of products and/or services and that ROBIN has communicated to the consumer in its confirmation, in accordance with article 4 paragraph
- Obvious typographical and/or handling errors in the quote, such as obvious inaccuracies, may also be corrected by ROBIN after the conclusion of the
- Delivery costs are not included in the price. Special rates apply to deliveries outside the Netherlands. The amount of the delivery costs is stated on the website or otherwise (e.g. in writing, by telephone, or verbally). ROBIN provides the costs of delivery, which are to be paid the consumer, to the consumer at the conclusion of the contract. With regard to certain payment methods, further conditions may apply with regard to the delivery method and the associated costs. This will be communicated to the consumer.
- Price increases are not permitted after the conclusion of the contract, unless the price increase is the result of statutory regulations or provisions, or the consumer has the authority to terminate the contract on the day on which the price increase takes effect.
Article 6: Payment
- ROBIN has a number of payment options available to the consumer (at least iDeal, PayPal and credit card), depending on the product and the desired delivery date. This will be communicated to the consumer on the website or All remote orders must be paid by the consumer in advance. Before the stipulated advance payment has been made, the consumer cannot assert any right to the execution of the order in question. ROBIN uses the payment date as the order date.
- A number of payment methods can only be used if the conditions of such methods, including a check on the consumer’s creditworthiness and authentication, as well as authorisation, are met.
- ROBIN is committed to ensuring that consumers can pay safely and reliably. This is particularly the case if the consumer pays via the To this end, ROBIN has taken a number of steps to ensure that consumers can pay safely. However, ROBIN does not bear or accept any responsibility or liability in this respect.
- If credit card is chosen as a method of payment, the terms and conditions of the relevant card issuer shall apply. ROBIN is not a party to the relationship between the consumer and the card issuer.
- If, after the conclusion of the contract, it comes to light that the consumer has withdrawn their payment or it has been withdrawn by third parties, this shall result in an immediately payable claim by ROBIN against the consumer.
- In the event of late payment, in addition to the statutory interest, the consumer shall also bear the extrajudicial costs pursuant to Article 6:96 of the Dutch Civil Code as well as the legal costs incurred by ROBIN as a result of the consumer’s non-fulfilment of their
- In the event of late payment, the consumer shall be considered legally in default and ROBIN shall be authorised and entitled to dissolve the contract extrajudicially with immediate effect, or to temporarily withdraw and suspend its obligations arising from the contract entered into with the consumer, including, but not limited to, suspending the (further) delivery of products and/or services until the consumer has fully met their outstanding financial obligations, including the payment of any interest and costs due.
Article 7: Delivery, delivery times and retention of title
- ROBIN shall take the greatest possible care when receiving and executing orders for products and/or services. Orders are delivered as soon as possible. ROBIN shall not be obliged to deliver the ordered products and/or services in part, but ROBIN shall be entitled to deliver them in part if several products and/or services are ordered at the same time.
- The delivery times stated by ROBIN are only indicative and shall never be regarded as strict ROBIN may provide further information about the delivery times on the website or otherwise communicate such information verbally or in writing, if requested. Such information is only an indication.
- Exceeding any delivery period does not entitle the consumer to compensation, nor does it entitle them to cancel the order or to dissolve the contract, unless the delivery period is exceeded to such an extent that the consumer can no longer reasonably be expected to uphold the contract. In that case, the consumer is entitled to cancel the order or to dissolve the contract insofar as this is necessary.
- If the consumer orders a product that is temporarily out of stock, an indication will be given for when the product will be available again. Delays will be reported to the consumer by e-mail, in writing, or by telephone.
- The consumer is obliged to cooperate fully with the delivery of the products and/or services in question. Deliveries will take place at the address provided by the consumer during the conclusion of the It must be possible to reach and leave this address safely by the type of transport used and by a route appropriate to the type of transport.
- Once the products to be supplied have been delivered to the consumer at the destination, the risk shall pass to the consumer with respect to those products. If the a failed delivery attempt is made at the delivery address provided by the consumer and/or the products are delivered to the post office or the consumer’s neighbours (if the consumer has explicitly stated this in advance), the risk shall pass at the moment at which the delivery is attempted and/or the products are delivered to the post office or the consumer’s
- For deliveries outside the Netherlands, different conditions may
- The method of packaging, shipping, and the choice of packaging material is determined by Unless otherwise agreed in writing, ROBIN will not accept the return of empty packaging.
- Notwithstanding the actual delivery, the ownership of products shall not pass to the consumer until the consumer has paid everything that they owe in full with respect to the contract with ROBIN, including compensation of interest and costs and of earlier or later deliveries and any work performed or to be performed with respect to the products.
- The consumer may not tax, sell, resell, transfer, dispose of, or otherwise encumber the products before the ownership thereof has been transferred.
- Consumers shall be obliged to inform ROBIN immediately in writing if third parties wish to assert rights to products that are subject to retention of title by virtue of this article.
Article 8: Right of withdrawal
For products
- In the case of a remote purchase of a product, the consumer can dissolve the contract within a period of 14 days (cooling-off period) without giving any ROBIN may ask the consumer about the reasons for withdrawal, but will not oblige the consumer to state their reasons.
- The cooling-off period referred to in paragraph 1 commences on the day after the consumer, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated in advance by the consumer, receives the product or:
- if the consumer has ordered several products in one order, the day on which the consumer, or a third party indicated by the consumer, receives the last product. ROBIN may, provided it has clearly informed the consumer about this prior to the ordering process, refuse an order for several products with different delivery
- if the supply of a product consists of several consignments or parts, the day on which the consumer, or a third party indicated by the consumer, receives the last consignment or part;
- in the case of contracts for the regular supply of products during a given period: the day on which the consumer, or a third party designated by the consumer, receives the first product.
- During the cooling-off period, the consumer will handle the product and its packaging with care. They shall unpack or use the product only to the extent necessary to determine the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the product. The basic principle is that the consumer can only handle and inspect the product in the same way they would be allowed to do in a shop.
- The consumer is liable for depreciation of the product that is the result of handling the product in a way that goes beyond what is allowed by the previous paragraph. In the case of services and digital content not supplied via a tangible medium:
- The consumer may terminate a remote service contract and a remote contract for the supply of digital content that has not been supplied on a material medium within 14 days (cooling-off period) without giving any The company may ask the consumer about the reason for the withdrawal, but does not oblige the consumer to state their reason(s).
- The cooling-off period referred to in paragraph 4 commences on the day following the conclusion of the contract.
Article 9: Exercise of the right of withdrawal by the consumer and costs thereof
- If the consumer wishes to exercise their right of withdrawal, they must inform ROBIN within the cooling-off period. The consumer must notify ROBIN by sending a completed model form, which is attached to these general terms and conditions (Appendix I), to customerservice@robin.nl, or by clearly notifying ROBIN of their claim to the right of withdrawal in another way.
- The consumer shall return the product or hand it over to ROBIN or an authorised representative as soon as possible, but in any event within 14 days following the notification referred to in paragraph 1. The consumer has observed the return period in any case if they return the product before the cooling-off period has expired.
- The consumer shall return the product with all delivered accessories, if reasonably possible in original condition and packaging, and in accordance with the reasonable and clear instructions provided by ROBIN.
- The risk and the burden of proof for the correct and timely exercise of the right of withdrawal lies with the consumer.
- If the consumer has not communicated within the cooling-off period that they wish to make use of their right of withdrawal, or has not returned the product to ROBIN within the cooling-off period, the purchase shall be final and the right of withdrawal shall expire.
- The costs of returning the product shall be borne by the
Article 10: ROBIN’s obligations in the event of withdrawal
- If ROBIN gives the consumer the option to communicate their notification of withdrawal electronically, it will send an acknowledgement of receipt as soon as possible after receipt of said notification.
- ROBIN shall reimburse all payments made by the consumer, including the delivery costs charged by ROBIN for the returned product and/or service for the outward shipment, without delay but within 14 days of the day on which the consumer notifies ROBIN of the withdrawal. ROBIN may wait to issue a refund until it has received the product or until the consumer proves that they have returned the product, whichever happens sooner.
- ROBIN will use the same means of payment for reimbursement that the consumer used initially, unless the consumer agrees to another The refund is free of charge for the consumer.
- If the consumer has opted for a more expensive method of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery, ROBIN does not have to reimburse the additional costs for the more expensive delivery method.
Article 11: Exceptions to the right of withdrawal
- Remote purchases excluded from the right of withdrawal include:
- the remote purchase of products whose price is subject to fluctuations in the financial market over which ROBIN has no control, and/or
- the remote purchase of products that: (i) are produced in accordance with the consumer’s specifications; (ii) are clearly personal in nature; (iii) cannot be returned due to their nature; (iv) may deteriorate or age rapidly; (v) from newspapers or magazines; and/or
- the remote purchase of audio and video recordings, computer equipment, software or other similar products, if the consumer has broken the seal, and/or
- the remote purchase of
- Pursuant to paragraph 1(b) of this article, products engraved by ROBIN shall, in any case, be exempted from the right of withdrawal.
Article 12: Warranty and complaints
- ROBIN shall make every effort to ensure that the products and/or services it supplies comply with the specifications indicated on the website, with the reasonable requirements of soundness and/or usability and are not in conflict with existing government
- Without prejudice to the provisions of this article, there can be no warranty if the wear and tear to the product can be considered normal and in the following cases:
- if changes have been made to the product, including repairs that have not been carried out with the permission of ROBIN or the manufacturer;
- if defects in the product are the result of misuse or careless use that does not correspond to the intended use;
- if damage to the product was caused by intent, gross negligence, or neglected maintenance on the part of the consumer.
- If there is a defect which the consumer should have discovered after delivery and the consumer does not inform ROBIN of this defect immediately, but at the latest within 2 months, the consumer shall be deemed to have agreed to the condition in which the products and/or services in question were delivered and their claims against ROBIN in this respect shall lapse.
- The consumer is obliged to accurately specify the errors and defects they have found, submitting relevant evidence, including clear photographs.
- ROBIN shall immediately be able to check the errors and defects found by the If ROBIN deems the errors and defects found by the consumer to be justified, ROBIN shall have the choice either to pay the invoice value for the product and/or service or, in consultation with the consumer, to provide an adequate solution, such as repairing the errors and defects free of charge or replacing the product and/or service in question. In those cases, the consumer may never claim replacement or additional compensation.
- The products and/or services supplied by ROBIN shall in any case be deemed to be sound if the consumer has taken the products and/or services supplied and/or used, has processed or processed them, has delivered them to third parties or has arranged for them to be taken into use, has had them processed or has them delivered to third parties, unless the consumer has taken the provisions of this article into account.
Article 13: Guidelines for the use of ROBIN products and/or services
- Applicable privacy and/or other legislation in the country where the consumer resides may impose certain obligations with respect to the consumer and the use of ROBIN’s products and/or services. It is the responsibility of the consumer to ensure that these obligations are complied with in any sense, including but not limited to:
- compliance with laws and regulations relating to the recording and/or sharing of audio or video content, and
- compliance with laws and regulations which stipulate that the use of ROBIN’s products and/or services is subject to the prior consent of third parties, or at least that these third parties must be informed of their use.
- In addition, the consumer must be able to:
- ensure that the product making the audio and video recordings is installed at an angle that is exclusively targeted at the consumer’s home and private portion of the
- provide conspicuous and appropriate signage from which others can deduce that audio/visual content can be recorded.
- ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding the making of video and audio recordings of personnel if the home where the products are installed and the services are used is also used as a workplace.
- If the use of ROBIN’s products and/or services contravenes the applicable laws and regulations of the consumer’s country, the consumer themselves are responsible for ROBIN shall not be responsible for this in any way, or at least shall not be liable in any way whatsoever.
Article 14: Liability and damage
- ROBIN does not accept any liability for damages suffered by the consumer, unless this is the direct result of an attributable shortcoming or an unlawful act on the part of ROBIN. In that case, ROBIN shall only be liable to the extent that this liability is covered by ROBIN’s insurance, up to a maximum of the amount paid out by the insurer.
- If, for whatever reason, ROBIN’s insurer does not pay out, or the damage is unexpectedly not covered by the insurance, the liability shall be limited to a maximum amount of €5,000.00.
- Any right of claim held by the consumer and/or third parties against ROBIN shall, in any case, expire one year after delivery of the delivered products.
- Furthermore, ROBIN shall not be liable in the event of force majeure as described in article 15 of these terms and conditions.
- The restrictions contained in this article shall not apply if the damage is the result of an intentional act or omission or gross negligence on the part of ROBIN.
Article 15: Force majeure
- Circumstances beyond ROBIN’s will and control, whether or not foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract, which are of such a nature that compliance with the contract can no longer reasonably be required of ROBIN, shall be considered force majeure, whether permanent or temporary, and shall release ROBIN from its compliance
- Force majeure shall, in any case, mean: war, terrorism, riots, natural disasters, storm damage, fire, earthquakes, floods, abnormal weather conditions, snow, snowfall, frost, ice, strikes, lockouts or lack of personnel, defects in the means of assistance and transport, problems at sea, traffic obstructions, theft of goods, malfunctions in the power grid, internet connections and cable, telephone or other communication networks such as e- mail, default of third parties engaged by ROBIN, as well as all impediments caused by government measures. Force majeure on the part of ROBIN’s suppliers and consumers, including those overseas, as well as delivery problems in the case of addresses that are difficult to deliver are also covered by this force majeure provision.
- In case of force majeure, ROBIN has the right to dissolve the contract in whole or in part without judicial intervention, without the consumer being able to claim damages.
Article 16: Intellectual property rights
- The consumer expressly acknowledges that all intellectual property rights to the information, communications, or other expressions relating to the products, services and/or the website are vested with ROBIN, its suppliers or other entitled parties.
- Intellectual property rights are understood to mean patent, copyright, trademark, trade name, drawing and design rights and/or other (intellectual) property rights, including suigeneris rights to databases and topography of semiconductor products, or other products, as well as technical and/or commercial know-how, methods, concepts, and trade secrets, whether patentable or not .
- The consumer is prohibited from making use of (including changes to) the intellectual property rights as described in this article, such as reproduction, without the express prior written consent of ROBIN, its suppliers, or other rightful claimants, unless it concerns purely private use in relation to the product itself.
- ROBIN declares to the best of its knowledge that it will not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties applicable in the Netherlands. If a suit is brought for infringement of such rights or if there is a possibility to do so, ROBIN may, at its discretion, among other things replace or change the brand or product in question, or acquire the right to continue the use of that brand or product, or terminate the contract in whole or in part, refunding the price paid by the consumer for the product in question, if necessary with the deduction of a reasonable amount for depreciation.
- Consumers shall inform ROBIN as soon as possible in writing of any liability or legal action brought against them based on the statement that the goods sold by ROBIN infringe applicable intellectual property rights.
- ROBIN does not accept any liability for any infringement as referred to in paragraphs 3 and/or 4 of this article, if the infringement is related to the fact that the consumer has modified or changed a product and/or service without express written permission from
- The website and all its components, with the exception of certain hyperlinks, are the property of ROBIN. It is not permitted to publish, copy, or save the website or parts of it without express written consent from This permission is not required for personal, non-commercial use.
Article 17: Privacy and personal data
- ROBIN will only process consumer data in accordance with its privacy In doing so, ROBIN takes into account the applicable privacy regulations.
- ROBIN is committed to treating the information provided by the consumer with care and confidentiality. When the consumer visits the website and/or places an order, various data is collected in order to provide the consumer with the best possible service. ROBIN registers the consumer’s information in a database.
- The data processed by ROBIN is, on the one hand, the data that the consumer has entered themselves on the appropriate screen of the The information provided by the consumer includes their name, address, e-mail address, et cetera. On the other hand, the consumer’s ‘traffic data’ is also recorded when they visit the website. In this way, the IP address of the consumer’s computer is recorded. We also look at the surfing behaviour of the consumer on the website. Finally, if, for example, the consumer reacts to a promotion or a competition, ROBIN can ask for the consumer’s name, address, and place of residence.
- The website may contain advertisements from third parties or links to other ROBIN has no influence on the privacy policy of these third parties or their sites and is not responsible for them.
- ROBIN applies a level of security to the consumer’s data that is appropriate to the nature of the data to be protected. This is done by, among other things, using a firewall that prevents unauthorised persons from accessing the consumer’s data and certificates that encrypt data traffic between the consumer’s computer and ROBIN, so that third parties cannot read that However, ROBIN does not bear or accept any responsibility or liability in this respect. Only those persons designated by ROBIN within the framework of the tasks assigned to them shall have access to the recorded data.
- Unless the consumer has given their explicit consent, ROBIN will not use the data for promotional activities or make the data available to third parties, except insofar as required by law and/or if the consumer has opted for payment on In the latter case, a credit check will be carried out by a third party.
- The consumer is always free to ask ROBIN what data has been processed about them. The consumer has the right to inspect and correct their If the consumer wishes to have their data removed from the database, they can indicate this in writing by e-mail. Changes will be implemented and processed as soon as technically feasible.
- If the consumer informs ROBIN that they do not wish to receive direct commercial communications by post, telephone, e-mail, , ROBIN shall respect this to the fullest extent possible.
Article 18: Newsletter
- ROBIN offers consumers the opportunity to sign up to receive a
- After subscribing to the newsletter, consumers can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking the link in the newsletter.
Article 19: Applicable law
- Contracts to which these terms and conditions apply and further agreements arising from them shall be governed exclusively by Dutch law, even if the consumer is resident in another country.
- All disputes arising from offers, quotes, and contracts to which these terms and conditions apply or from further agreements which may result therefrom, including the execution thereof, shall be settled exclusively by the competent court.
Article 20: Amendment and interpretation of the conditions
- These general terms and conditions are subject to change and adaptation. Any future adjustments and amendments shall also apply to contracts concluded before the date of the amendment and adaptation, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
- The amendments and adaptations will enter into force 21 days after their announcement, unless otherwise stated in the announcement.
Annex I Model Withdrawal Form
Model form for dissolution/withdrawal
Only fill in and return this form if you wish to dissolve/withdraw the contract.
To Robin Telecom Development B.V., with registered and with offices in (1704 SL) Heerhugowaard at Flemingstraat no. 50
Phone number: 0031 72 534 64 26
E-mail address: customerservice@robin.nl
CoC number: 37148938
I/We (*) hereby notify you that I/we (*) withdraw from our contract of sale of the following goods/provision of the following service (*)
Ordered on (*)/Received on (*)
Name(s) of the consumer(s)
Address of the consumer(s)
Reasons for revocation (not mandatory)
of the private limited company Robin Telecom Development B.V.
Article 1: Definitions
- ROBIN: Robin Telecom Development B.V., a company specialising in telecommunications products, with its registered office and place of business at (1704 SL) in Heerhugowaard, Flemingstraat No 50.
- Consumer: a natural person who is not acting for purposes related to their commercial, business, trade, or professional activities and who purchases a product and/or service from ROBIN via the website, by telephone, or in any other way;
- Day: calendar
- Durable medium: any means that enables the consumer or ROBIN to store information addressed to him/her personally in a way that enables future consultation and unaltered reproduction of the stored information.
- Right of withdrawal: the opportunity for the consumer to withdraw from a remote contract within the cooling-off period.
- Model form: the model withdrawal form that the company makes available to a consumer to fill in when they wish to exercise their right of withdrawal.
- Remote contract: a contract in which, within the framework of a system organised by ROBIN for the remote sale of products and/or services, up to and including the conclusion of the contract, exclusive use is made of one or more means of remote communication.
- Technology for remote communication: means that can be used to conclude an agreement, without the consumer and ROBIN having come together in the same room at the same time.
- Website: the websites operated by ROBIN, being one or more online shops primarily intended for the sale of ROBIN (telecom) products and/or services, as well as associated
Article 2: Identity of the company
Robin Telecom Development B.V.
Registered and with offices in (1704 SL) Heerhugowaard at Flemingstraat no. 50.
Phone number: +31 72 534 64 26
E-mail address: customerservice@robin.nl
CoC number: 37148938
Article 3: Applicability
- These general terms and conditions shall apply to all contracts and any agreements arising from those contracts between ROBIN and consumers. These general terms and conditions also apply to the visit to and use by consumers of the website and all data and services accessible on the website.
- Deviations from these terms and conditions must be expressly agreed in writing. Deviations shall then only apply to the relevant offers and contracts to which they
- The conclusion of an contract implies the acceptance of these terms and conditions. In addition, by using the website (in any way whatsoever), the consumer accepts that they are bound by these terms and conditions. The consumer guarantees that when a third party makes use of the website on the consumer’s computer, this third party will also comply with these terms and conditions.
- If ROBIN does not always require strict compliance with these terms and conditions, this does not mean that these terms and conditions do not apply and/or that ROBIN loses the right to demand strict compliance with the terms and conditions in future cases, whether similar or not.
- The articles of these terms and conditions, or the parts thereof, which are unexpectedly unreasonably onerous for the consumer because they appear on the list as referred to in Article 6:236 of the Dutch Civil Code or are in conflict with the provisions of mandatory consumer law, shall be deemed inapplicable. In such cases, the other provisions shall continue to apply in full.
- If one or more provisions in these general terms and conditions are at any time wholly or partially voided or declared null and void, the agreement and these terms and conditions shall otherwise remain in force and the provision in question shall immediately be replaced by a provision that approximates the purport of the original as much as
- Furthermore, if and to the extent that any part or provision of these general terms and conditions is found to be in conflict with any mandatory provision of national or international law, those mandatory provisions shall prevail over the conflicting provisions of these general terms and conditions. The other provisions of the general terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.
Article 4: Offers, quotes, and conclusion of contracts
- Offers and/or quotes provided by ROBIN shall always be free of obligation and should only be regarded as an invitation to make an ROBIN shall therefore not be bound by them in any way whatsoever, unless expressly stated otherwise in writing. Acceptance of the invitation to make an offer by the consumer counts as an offer and only leads to the conclusion of a contract if the other provisions in this article have been met.
- Information, images, announcements provided in writing, verbally, by telephone, e-mail or otherwise and statements, et cetera, with regard to all offers and the main characteristics of the products have been displayed and/or communicated as accurately as possible. However, ROBIN does not guarantee that all offers and products fully comply with the information provided, et cetera. In principle, deviations cannot lead to compensation and/or dissolution.
- An offer made by a consumer shall be deemed to have been made if the consumer has entered their details on the appropriate screen on the website (digital order form), that form has been sent electronically and received by ROBIN, or if the consumer has indicated to ROBIN in another way (in writing, verbally, and/or by telephone) which product they wish to receive and this offer has been received by ROBIN.
- A contract shall be concluded at the moment that ROBIN has sent an order confirmation to the consumer to the (e-mail) address provided by the consumer, or if ROBIN has expressly begun to execute the contract.
- ROBIN shall be entitled to refuse an offer to enter into an contract, in whole or in part, or to suspend the execution of the current contract for its own reasons. This authority may be invoked, inter alia, due to the content, nature, scope, or form of such an offer, as well as due to technical objections, refusal of (advance) payment, or a conflict of interest between the request and ROBIN’s interests.
- All quotes provided by ROBIN concerning types, formats, dimensions, numbers, weights, rates, and prices are provided with the greatest possible care, without, however, any guarantee being made by or on behalf of ROBIN that no deviations can or will occur. In the unlikely event that they do occur, they will not be binding for ROBIN under any
- Subject to the express permission of ROBIN and subject to a case as referred to in article 7 paragraph 3, or a legally valid appeal to the right of withdrawal as referred to in article 8 of these general terms and conditions, the consumer shall not be entitled to cancel or amend a contract that has already been concluded.
- The parties expressly agree that a valid contract can also be entered into using electronic forms of communication. The absence of a signature does not affect the binding force of the offer and its acceptance.
- ROBIN reserves the right not to provide the agreed-upon service if, after the conclusion of the contract, it turns out that the products are not available, even though a proper transaction has already been carried out. In such a case, the consumer shall be informed immediately. Any compensation already paid by the consumer will be returned immediately. Further claims by the consumer against ROBIN are excluded.
- If the consumer is more than one natural person, they are all jointly and severally liable for the fulfilment of the contract. If the contract is concluded on behalf of the consumer by a third party, this third party guarantees that the consumer has accepted these terms and conditions, failing which the third party is bound by these conditions as though they themselves were the consumer.
- ROBIN shall be entitled to engage third parties for the execution of the
- ROBIN shall be entitled and authorised to transfer rights and obligations arising from the contract to a third party, in particular in the context of a transfer of (part of) the company it
- The consumer cannot make claims based on a contract if, before or during the execution of the contract, it turns out that the information and data provided by the consumer is not correct or is incomplete. ROBIN then reserves the right not to execute or continue to execute a contract. In that case, ROBIN shall never be obliged to pay any compensation for damages suffered by the consumer, without prejudice to ROBIN’s right and ability to claim compensation for damages from the consumer or to still execute the contract at a higher price than agreed upon, to which payment the consumer shall then be obliged.
- If, during the execution of the contract, ROBIN deems it necessary to change and/or supplement the work to be carried out for the proper execution of the contract, ROBIN shall inform the consumer of this, after which the contract may or may not be changed in whole or in part. ROBIN can never be obliged to pay any compensation for damages to the consumer as a result of such a change.
Article 5: Prices
- As far as possible, ROBIN shall state the prices and/or amounts, including any VAT However, prices are exclusive of other government levies, increases, and any statutory contributions.
- Special offers are only valid for the period of validity indicated in the
- The consumer shall owe the price that ROBIN displays on the website or otherwise (e.g. in writing) with the relevant offers of products and/or services and that ROBIN has communicated to the consumer in its confirmation, in accordance with article 4 paragraph
- Obvious typographical and/or handling errors in the quote, such as obvious inaccuracies, may also be corrected by ROBIN after the conclusion of the
- Delivery costs are not included in the price. Special rates apply to deliveries outside the Netherlands. The amount of the delivery costs is stated on the website or otherwise (e.g. in writing, by telephone, or verbally). ROBIN provides the costs of delivery, which are to be paid the consumer, to the consumer at the conclusion of the contract. With regard to certain payment methods, further conditions may apply with regard to the delivery method and the associated costs. This will be communicated to the consumer.
- Price increases are not permitted after the conclusion of the contract, unless the price increase is the result of statutory regulations or provisions, or the consumer has the authority to terminate the contract on the day on which the price increase takes effect.
Article 6: Payment
- ROBIN has a number of payment options available to the consumer (at least iDeal, PayPal and credit card), depending on the product and the desired delivery date. This will be communicated to the consumer on the website or All remote orders must be paid by the consumer in advance. Before the stipulated advance payment has been made, the consumer cannot assert any right to the execution of the order in question. ROBIN uses the payment date as the order date.
- A number of payment methods can only be used if the conditions of such methods, including a check on the consumer’s creditworthiness and authentication, as well as authorisation, are met.
- ROBIN is committed to ensuring that consumers can pay safely and reliably. This is particularly the case if the consumer pays via the To this end, ROBIN has taken a number of steps to ensure that consumers can pay safely. However, ROBIN does not bear or accept any responsibility or liability in this respect.
- If credit card is chosen as a method of payment, the terms and conditions of the relevant card issuer shall apply. ROBIN is not a party to the relationship between the consumer and the card issuer.
- If, after the conclusion of the contract, it comes to light that the consumer has withdrawn their payment or it has been withdrawn by third parties, this shall result in an immediately payable claim by ROBIN against the consumer.
- In the event of late payment, in addition to the statutory interest, the consumer shall also bear the extrajudicial costs pursuant to Article 6:96 of the Dutch Civil Code as well as the legal costs incurred by ROBIN as a result of the consumer’s non-fulfilment of their
- In the event of late payment, the consumer shall be considered legally in default and ROBIN shall be authorised and entitled to dissolve the contract extrajudicially with immediate effect, or to temporarily withdraw and suspend its obligations arising from the contract entered into with the consumer, including, but not limited to, suspending the (further) delivery of products and/or services until the consumer has fully met their outstanding financial obligations, including the payment of any interest and costs due.
Article 7: Delivery, delivery times and retention of title
- ROBIN shall take the greatest possible care when receiving and executing orders for products and/or services. Orders are delivered as soon as possible. ROBIN shall not be obliged to deliver the ordered products and/or services in part, but ROBIN shall be entitled to deliver them in part if several products and/or services are ordered at the same time.
- The delivery times stated by ROBIN are only indicative and shall never be regarded as strict ROBIN may provide further information about the delivery times on the website or otherwise communicate such information verbally or in writing, if requested. Such information is only an indication.
- Exceeding any delivery period does not entitle the consumer to compensation, nor does it entitle them to cancel the order or to dissolve the contract, unless the delivery period is exceeded to such an extent that the consumer can no longer reasonably be expected to uphold the contract. In that case, the consumer is entitled to cancel the order or to dissolve the contract insofar as this is necessary.
- If the consumer orders a product that is temporarily out of stock, an indication will be given for when the product will be available again. Delays will be reported to the consumer by e-mail, in writing, or by telephone.
- The consumer is obliged to cooperate fully with the delivery of the products and/or services in question. Deliveries will take place at the address provided by the consumer during the conclusion of the It must be possible to reach and leave this address safely by the type of transport used and by a route appropriate to the type of transport.
- Once the products to be supplied have been delivered to the consumer at the destination, the risk shall pass to the consumer with respect to those products. If the a failed delivery attempt is made at the delivery address provided by the consumer and/or the products are delivered to the post office or the consumer’s neighbours (if the consumer has explicitly stated this in advance), the risk shall pass at the moment at which the delivery is attempted and/or the products are delivered to the post office or the consumer’s
- For deliveries outside the Netherlands, different conditions may
- The method of packaging, shipping, and the choice of packaging material is determined by Unless otherwise agreed in writing, ROBIN will not accept the return of empty packaging.
- Notwithstanding the actual delivery, the ownership of products shall not pass to the consumer until the consumer has paid everything that they owe in full with respect to the contract with ROBIN, including compensation of interest and costs and of earlier or later deliveries and any work performed or to be performed with respect to the products.
- The consumer may not tax, sell, resell, transfer, dispose of, or otherwise encumber the products before the ownership thereof has been transferred.
- Consumers shall be obliged to inform ROBIN immediately in writing if third parties wish to assert rights to products that are subject to retention of title by virtue of this article.
Article 8: Right of withdrawal
For products
- In the case of a remote purchase of a product, the consumer can dissolve the contract within a period of 14 days (cooling-off period) without giving any ROBIN may ask the consumer about the reasons for withdrawal, but will not oblige the consumer to state their reasons.
- The cooling-off period referred to in paragraph 1 commences on the day after the consumer, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated in advance by the consumer, receives the product or:
- if the consumer has ordered several products in one order, the day on which the consumer, or a third party indicated by the consumer, receives the last product. ROBIN may, provided it has clearly informed the consumer about this prior to the ordering process, refuse an order for several products with different delivery
- if the supply of a product consists of several consignments or parts, the day on which the consumer, or a third party indicated by the consumer, receives the last consignment or part;
- in the case of contracts for the regular supply of products during a given period: the day on which the consumer, or a third party designated by the consumer, receives the first product.
- During the cooling-off period, the consumer will handle the product and its packaging with care. They shall unpack or use the product only to the extent necessary to determine the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the product. The basic principle is that the consumer can only handle and inspect the product in the same way they would be allowed to do in a shop.
- The consumer is liable for depreciation of the product that is the result of handling the product in a way that goes beyond what is allowed by the previous paragraph. In the case of services and digital content not supplied via a tangible medium:
- The consumer may terminate a remote service contract and a remote contract for the supply of digital content that has not been supplied on a material medium within 14 days (cooling-off period) without giving any The company may ask the consumer about the reason for the withdrawal, but does not oblige the consumer to state their reason(s).
- The cooling-off period referred to in paragraph 4 commences on the day following the conclusion of the contract.
Article 9: Exercise of the right of withdrawal by the consumer and costs thereof
- If the consumer wishes to exercise their right of withdrawal, they must inform ROBIN within the cooling-off period. The consumer must notify ROBIN by sending a completed model form, which is attached to these general terms and conditions (Appendix I), to customerservice@robin.nl, or by clearly notifying ROBIN of their claim to the right of withdrawal in another way.
- The consumer shall return the product or hand it over to ROBIN or an authorised representative as soon as possible, but in any event within 14 days following the notification referred to in paragraph 1. The consumer has observed the return period in any case if they return the product before the cooling-off period has expired.
- The consumer shall return the product with all delivered accessories, if reasonably possible in original condition and packaging, and in accordance with the reasonable and clear instructions provided by ROBIN.
- The risk and the burden of proof for the correct and timely exercise of the right of withdrawal lies with the consumer.
- If the consumer has not communicated within the cooling-off period that they wish to make use of their right of withdrawal, or has not returned the product to ROBIN within the cooling-off period, the purchase shall be final and the right of withdrawal shall expire.
- The costs of returning the product shall be borne by the
Article 10: ROBIN’s obligations in the event of withdrawal
- If ROBIN gives the consumer the option to communicate their notification of withdrawal electronically, it will send an acknowledgement of receipt as soon as possible after receipt of said notification.
- ROBIN shall reimburse all payments made by the consumer, including the delivery costs charged by ROBIN for the returned product and/or service for the outward shipment, without delay but within 14 days of the day on which the consumer notifies ROBIN of the withdrawal. ROBIN may wait to issue a refund until it has received the product or until the consumer proves that they have returned the product, whichever happens sooner.
- ROBIN will use the same means of payment for reimbursement that the consumer used initially, unless the consumer agrees to another The refund is free of charge for the consumer.
- If the consumer has opted for a more expensive method of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery, ROBIN does not have to reimburse the additional costs for the more expensive delivery method.
Article 11: Exceptions to the right of withdrawal
- Remote purchases excluded from the right of withdrawal include:
- the remote purchase of products whose price is subject to fluctuations in the financial market over which ROBIN has no control, and/or
- the remote purchase of products that: (i) are produced in accordance with the consumer’s specifications; (ii) are clearly personal in nature; (iii) cannot be returned due to their nature; (iv) may deteriorate or age rapidly; (v) from newspapers or magazines; and/or
- the remote purchase of audio and video recordings, computer equipment, software or other similar products, if the consumer has broken the seal, and/or
- the remote purchase of
- Pursuant to paragraph 1(b) of this article, products engraved by ROBIN shall, in any case, be exempted from the right of withdrawal.
Article 12: Warranty and complaints
- ROBIN shall make every effort to ensure that the products and/or services it supplies comply with the specifications indicated on the website, with the reasonable requirements of soundness and/or usability and are not in conflict with existing government
- Without prejudice to the provisions of this article, there can be no warranty if the wear and tear to the product can be considered normal and in the following cases:
- if changes have been made to the product, including repairs that have not been carried out with the permission of ROBIN or the manufacturer;
- if defects in the product are the result of misuse or careless use that does not correspond to the intended use;
- if damage to the product was caused by intent, gross negligence, or neglected maintenance on the part of the consumer.
- If there is a defect which the consumer should have discovered after delivery and the consumer does not inform ROBIN of this defect immediately, but at the latest within 2 months, the consumer shall be deemed to have agreed to the condition in which the products and/or services in question were delivered and their claims against ROBIN in this respect shall lapse.
- The consumer is obliged to accurately specify the errors and defects they have found, submitting relevant evidence, including clear photographs.
- ROBIN shall immediately be able to check the errors and defects found by the If ROBIN deems the errors and defects found by the consumer to be justified, ROBIN shall have the choice either to pay the invoice value for the product and/or service or, in consultation with the consumer, to provide an adequate solution, such as repairing the errors and defects free of charge or replacing the product and/or service in question. In those cases, the consumer may never claim replacement or additional compensation.
- The products and/or services supplied by ROBIN shall in any case be deemed to be sound if the consumer has taken the products and/or services supplied and/or used, has processed or processed them, has delivered them to third parties or has arranged for them to be taken into use, has had them processed or has them delivered to third parties, unless the consumer has taken the provisions of this article into account.
Article 13: Guidelines for the use of ROBIN products and/or services
- Applicable privacy and/or other legislation in the country where the consumer resides may impose certain obligations with respect to the consumer and the use of ROBIN’s products and/or services. It is the responsibility of the consumer to ensure that these obligations are complied with in any sense, including but not limited to:
- compliance with laws and regulations relating to the recording and/or sharing of audio or video content, and
- compliance with laws and regulations which stipulate that the use of ROBIN’s products and/or services is subject to the prior consent of third parties, or at least that these third parties must be informed of their use.
- In addition, the consumer must be able to:
- ensure that the product making the audio and video recordings is installed at an angle that is exclusively targeted at the consumer’s home and private portion of the
- provide conspicuous and appropriate signage from which others can deduce that audio/visual content can be recorded.
- ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding the making of video and audio recordings of personnel if the home where the products are installed and the services are used is also used as a workplace.
- If the use of ROBIN’s products and/or services contravenes the applicable laws and regulations of the consumer’s country, the consumer themselves are responsible for ROBIN shall not be responsible for this in any way, or at least shall not be liable in any way whatsoever.
Article 14: Liability and damage
- ROBIN does not accept any liability for damages suffered by the consumer, unless this is the direct result of an attributable shortcoming or an unlawful act on the part of ROBIN. In that case, ROBIN shall only be liable to the extent that this liability is covered by ROBIN’s insurance, up to a maximum of the amount paid out by the insurer.
- If, for whatever reason, ROBIN’s insurer does not pay out, or the damage is unexpectedly not covered by the insurance, the liability shall be limited to a maximum amount of €5,000.00.
- Any right of claim held by the consumer and/or third parties against ROBIN shall, in any case, expire one year after delivery of the delivered products.
- Furthermore, ROBIN shall not be liable in the event of force majeure as described in article 15 of these terms and conditions.
- The restrictions contained in this article shall not apply if the damage is the result of an intentional act or omission or gross negligence on the part of ROBIN.
Article 15: Force majeure
- Circumstances beyond ROBIN’s will and control, whether or not foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract, which are of such a nature that compliance with the contract can no longer reasonably be required of ROBIN, shall be considered force majeure, whether permanent or temporary, and shall release ROBIN from its compliance
- Force majeure shall, in any case, mean: war, terrorism, riots, natural disasters, storm damage, fire, earthquakes, floods, abnormal weather conditions, snow, snowfall, frost, ice, strikes, lockouts or lack of personnel, defects in the means of assistance and transport, problems at sea, traffic obstructions, theft of goods, malfunctions in the power grid, internet connections and cable, telephone or other communication networks such as e- mail, default of third parties engaged by ROBIN, as well as all impediments caused by government measures. Force majeure on the part of ROBIN’s suppliers and consumers, including those overseas, as well as delivery problems in the case of addresses that are difficult to deliver are also covered by this force majeure provision.
- In case of force majeure, ROBIN has the right to dissolve the contract in whole or in part without judicial intervention, without the consumer being able to claim damages.
Article 16: Intellectual property rights
- The consumer expressly acknowledges that all intellectual property rights to the information, communications, or other expressions relating to the products, services and/or the website are vested with ROBIN, its suppliers or other entitled parties.
- Intellectual property rights are understood to mean patent, copyright, trademark, trade name, drawing and design rights and/or other (intellectual) property rights, including suigeneris rights to databases and topography of semiconductor products, or other products, as well as technical and/or commercial know-how, methods, concepts, and trade secrets, whether patentable or not .
- The consumer is prohibited from making use of (including changes to) the intellectual property rights as described in this article, such as reproduction, without the express prior written consent of ROBIN, its suppliers, or other rightful claimants, unless it concerns purely private use in relation to the product itself.
- ROBIN declares to the best of its knowledge that it will not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties applicable in the Netherlands. If a suit is brought for infringement of such rights or if there is a possibility to do so, ROBIN may, at its discretion, among other things replace or change the brand or product in question, or acquire the right to continue the use of that brand or product, or terminate the contract in whole or in part, refunding the price paid by the consumer for the product in question, if necessary with the deduction of a reasonable amount for depreciation.
- Consumers shall inform ROBIN as soon as possible in writing of any liability or legal action brought against them based on the statement that the goods sold by ROBIN infringe applicable intellectual property rights.
- ROBIN does not accept any liability for any infringement as referred to in paragraphs 3 and/or 4 of this article, if the infringement is related to the fact that the consumer has modified or changed a product and/or service without express written permission from
- The website and all its components, with the exception of certain hyperlinks, are the property of ROBIN. It is not permitted to publish, copy, or save the website or parts of it without express written consent from This permission is not required for personal, non-commercial use.
Article 17: Privacy and personal data
- ROBIN will only process consumer data in accordance with its privacy In doing so, ROBIN takes into account the applicable privacy regulations.
- ROBIN is committed to treating the information provided by the consumer with care and confidentiality. When the consumer visits the website and/or places an order, various data is collected in order to provide the consumer with the best possible service. ROBIN registers the consumer’s information in a database.
- The data processed by ROBIN is, on the one hand, the data that the consumer has entered themselves on the appropriate screen of the The information provided by the consumer includes their name, address, e-mail address, et cetera. On the other hand, the consumer’s ‘traffic data’ is also recorded when they visit the website. In this way, the IP address of the consumer’s computer is recorded. We also look at the surfing behaviour of the consumer on the website. Finally, if, for example, the consumer reacts to a promotion or a competition, ROBIN can ask for the consumer’s name, address, and place of residence.
- The website may contain advertisements from third parties or links to other ROBIN has no influence on the privacy policy of these third parties or their sites and is not responsible for them.
- ROBIN applies a level of security to the consumer’s data that is appropriate to the nature of the data to be protected. This is done by, among other things, using a firewall that prevents unauthorised persons from accessing the consumer’s data and certificates that encrypt data traffic between the consumer’s computer and ROBIN, so that third parties cannot read that However, ROBIN does not bear or accept any responsibility or liability in this respect. Only those persons designated by ROBIN within the framework of the tasks assigned to them shall have access to the recorded data.
- Unless the consumer has given their explicit consent, ROBIN will not use the data for promotional activities or make the data available to third parties, except insofar as required by law and/or if the consumer has opted for payment on In the latter case, a credit check will be carried out by a third party.
- The consumer is always free to ask ROBIN what data has been processed about them. The consumer has the right to inspect and correct their If the consumer wishes to have their data removed from the database, they can indicate this in writing by e-mail. Changes will be implemented and processed as soon as technically feasible.
- If the consumer informs ROBIN that they do not wish to receive direct commercial communications by post, telephone, e-mail, , ROBIN shall respect this to the fullest extent possible.
Article 18: Newsletter
- ROBIN offers consumers the opportunity to sign up to receive a
- After subscribing to the newsletter, consumers can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking the link in the newsletter.
Article 19: Applicable law
- Contracts to which these terms and conditions apply and further agreements arising from them shall be governed exclusively by Dutch law, even if the consumer is resident in another country.
- All disputes arising from offers, quotes, and contracts to which these terms and conditions apply or from further agreements which may result therefrom, including the execution thereof, shall be settled exclusively by the competent court.
Article 20: Amendment and interpretation of the conditions
- These general terms and conditions are subject to change and adaptation. Any future adjustments and amendments shall also apply to contracts concluded before the date of the amendment and adaptation, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
- The amendments and adaptations will enter into force 21 days after their announcement, unless otherwise stated in the announcement.
Annex I Model Withdrawal Form
Model form for dissolution/withdrawal
Only fill in and return this form if you wish to dissolve/withdraw the contract.
To Robin Telecom Development B.V., with registered and with offices in (1704 SL) Heerhugowaard at Flemingstraat no. 50
Phone number: 0031 72 534 64 26
E-mail address: customerservice@robin.nl
CoC number: 37148938
I/We (*) hereby notify you that I/we (*) withdraw from our contract of sale of the following goods/provision of the following service (*)
Ordered on (*)/Received on (*)
Name(s) of the consumer(s)
Address of the consumer(s)
Reasons for revocation (not mandatory)